
    2014 - Now

    1. "Optical Biosensing of Multiple Disease Markers in a Photonic-Band-Gap Lab-on-a-Chip: A Conceptual Paradigm," Abdullah Al-Rashid and Sajeev John, Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 034001 (2015).ABSTRACT  PDF
    2. "Light-trapping optimization in wet-etched silicon photonic crystal solar cells," Sergey Eyderman, Sajeev John, M. Hafez, S. S. Al-Ameer, T. S. Al-Harby, Y. Al-Hadeethi and D. M. Bouwes, Journal of Applied Physics 118, 023103 (2015). ABSTRACT  PDF
    3. "Waveguide-mode polarization gaps in square spiral photonic crystals," Rong-Juan Liu, Sajeev John and Zhi-Yuan Li, EPL, 111 54001 (2015). ABSTRACT  PDF
    4. "Biosensor architecture for enhanced disease diagnostics: lab-in-a-photonic-crystal," Shuai Feng, Jian-Hua Jiang, Abdullah Al Rashid and Sajeev John, Optics Express, 24 No. 11, 12166 (2016).ABSTRACT  PDF
    5. "Light-trapping in perovskite solar cells," Qing Guo Du, Guansheng Shen and Sajeev John, AIP Advances 6, 065002 (2016). ABSTRACT  PDF
    6. "Light-trapping for room temperature Bose-Einstein condensation in InGaAs quantum wells," Pranai Vasudev, Jian-Hua Jiang and Sajeev John, Optics Express 24 No.13, 14010 (2016). ABSTRACT PDF
    7. "Light-trapping and recycling for extraordinary power conversion in ultra-thin gallium-arsenide solar cells," Sergey Eyderman and Sajeev John, Nature Scientific Reports 6 28303 (2016). ABSTRACT PDF
    8. "Achieving an Accurate Surface Profile of a Photonic Crystal for Near-Unity Solar Absorption in a Super Thin-Film Architecture," Ping Kuang, Sergey Eyderman, Mei-Li Hsieh, Anthony Post, Sajeev John and Shawn-Yu Lin, ACS, Nano 10 (6) 6116-6124 (2016). ABSTRACT  PDF
    9. "Probing the intrinsic optical Bloch-mode emission from a 3D photonic crystal," Mei-Li Hsieh1, James A Bur, Qingguo Du, Sajeev John and Shawn-Yu Lin, Nanotechnology 27 415204 (2016).ABSTRACT  PDF
    10. "Light-trapping design for thin-film silicon-perovskite tandem solar cells," Stephen Foster and Sajeev John, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 103103 (2016). ABSTRACT  PDF


    2011 - 2014


    1. "Photonic Architectures for Equilibrium High-Temperature Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dichalcogenide Monolayers," Jian-Hua Jiang and Sajeev John, Nature Magazine Scientific Reports 4, 7432 (2014). ABSTRACT  PDF 
    2. "Photonic Crystal Architecture for Room-Temperature Equilibrium Bose-Einstein Condensation of Exciton Polaritons," Jian-Hua Jiang and Sajeev John, Physical Review X 4, 031025 (2014). ABSTRACT  PDF
    3. "Light trapping design for low band-gap polymer solar cells," Stephen Foster and Sajeev John, Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue S2, pp. A465-A480 (2014). ABSTRACT  PDF
    4. "Near perfect solar absorption in ultra-thin-film GaAs photonic crystals", Sergey Eyderman, Alexei Deinega and Sajeev John, Journal of Materials Chemistry (2014). ABSTRACT  PDF
    5. "Synergistic plasmonic and photonic crystal lighttrapping: Architectures for optical upconversion in thin-film solar cells", Khai Q. Le and Sajeev John, Optics Express, 22, Issue S1, pp. A1-A12 (2014). ABSTRACT  PDF
    6. "Light trapping and near-unity solar absorption in a three-dimensional photonic-crystal", Ping Kuang, Alexei Deinega, Mei-Li Hsieh, Sajeev John and Shawn-Yu Lin, Optics Letters 38, No. 20, 4200 (2013). ABSTRACT  PDF
    7. "Macroscopic response in active nonlinear photonic crystals", Gandhi Alagappan,Sajeev John, and Er Ping Li, Optics Letters 38, No. 18, 3514 (2013). ABSTRACT  PDF
    8. "Resonant dipole-dipole interaction in confined and strong-coupling dielectric geometries", Ramy El-Ganainy and Sajeev John, New Journal of Physics, 15, 083033 (2013). ABSTRACT  PDF
    9. "Coupled optical and electrical modeling of solar cell based on conical pore silicon photonic crystals", Alexei Deinega, Sergey Eyderman, and Sajeev John, Journal of Applied Phys. 113, 224501 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4809982. ABSTRACT  PDF
    10. "Solar light trapping in slanted conical-pore photonic crystals: Beyond statistical ray trapping", Sergey Eyderman, Sajeev John and Alexei Deinega, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 154315 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4802442 ABSTRACT  PDF
    11. "Light-trapping in dye-sensitized solar cells", Stephen Foster and Sajeev John, Energy Environ. Sci. (2013). ABSTRACT  PDF
    12. "Solar power conversion efficiency in modulated silicon nanowire photonic crystals", Alexei Deinega and Sajeev John, Journal of Applied Physics 112, 074326 (2012). ABSTRACT PDF
    13. "Solar energy trapping with modulated silicon nanowire photonic crystals", Guillaume Demésy and Sajeev John, Journal of Applied Physics 112, 074326 (2012). ABSTRACT PDF
    14. "Finite difference discretization of semiconductor drift-diffusion equations for nanowire solar cells", Alexei Deinega and Sajeev John, Computer Physics Communications 183, 2128 (2012). ABSTRACT PDF
    15. "Effective optical response of silicon to sunlight in the finite-difference time-domain method", Alexei Deinega and Sajeev John, Optics Letters, 37, No. 1 112 (2012). ABSTRACT PDF
    16. "Sculpturing of photonic crystals by ion beam lithography: towards complete photonic bandgap at visible wavelengths", Saulius Juodkazis, Lorenzo Rosa, Sven Bauerdick, Lloyd Peto, Ramy El-Ganainy and Sajeev John, Optics Express, 19, No. 7 , 5803 (2011). ABSTRACT PDF
    17. "Anomalous flow of light near a photonic crystal pseudo-gap", Kyle M. Douglass, Sajeev John, Takashi Suezaki, Geoffrey A. Ozin, and Aristide Dogariu1, Optics Express, 19, No. 25 , 25321 (2011). ABSTRACT PDF
    18. "Optical pulse dynamics for quantum-dot logic operations in a photonic-crystal waveguide", Xun Ma and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 84, 053848 (2011). ABSTRACT PDF
    19. "Quantum-dot all-optical logic in a structured vacuum", Xun Ma and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 84, 013830 (2011). ABSTRACT PDF
    20. "Coherence and antibunching in a trapped interacting Bose-Einstein condensate", Shengjun Yang and Sajeev John, Physical Review B 84, 024515 (2011). ABSTRACT PDF
    21. "Self-consistent Maxwell-Bloch theory of quantum-dot-population switching in photonic crystals", Hiroyuki Takeda and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 83, 053811 (2011). ABSTRACT PDF


    2006 - 2010


    1. "Microscopic theory of multiple-phonon-mediated dephasing and relaxation of quantum dots near a photonic band gap", Chiranjeeb Roy and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 81, 023817 (2010). ABSTRACT PDF
    2. "Switching dynamics and ultrafast inversion control of quantum dots for on-chip optical information processing", Xun Ma and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 80, 063810 (2009). ABSTRACT PDF
    3. "Ultrafast Population Switching of Quantum Dots in a Structured Vacuum", Xun Ma and Sajeev John, Physical Review Lett. 103, 233601 (2009). ABSTRACT PDF
    4. "Optical wavelength converters for photonic band gap microcircuits", Dragan Vujic and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 79, 053836 (2009). ABSTRACT PDF
    5. "Metallic photonic-band-gap filament architectures for optimized incandescent lighting", Sajeev John and Rongzhou Wang, Physical Review A, 78, 043809 (2008). ABSTRACT PDF
    6. "Exceptional Reduction of the Diffusion Constant in Partially Disordered Photonic Crystals", Costanza Toninelli, Evangellos Vekris, Geoffrey A. Ozin, Sajeev John and Diederik S. Wiersma, Physical Review Letters, 101, 123901 (2008). ABSTRACT PDF
    7. "Circuits for light in holographically defined photonic-band-gap materials", Timothy Y. M. Chan and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 78, 033812 (2008). ABSTRACT PDF
    8. "Templating and Replication of Spiral Photonic Crystals for Silicon Photonics", Kock Khuen Seet, Vygantas Mizeikis, Kenta Kannari, Saulius Juodkazis, Hiroaki Misawa, Nicolas Tetreault, and Sajeev John, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 4, July/August (2008). PDF
    9. "Light trapping and absorption optimization in certain thin-film photonic crystal architectures", Alongkarn Chutinan and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 78, 023825 (2008) ABSTRACT PDF
    10. "Compact optical one-way waveguide isolators for photonic-band-gap microchips", Hiroyuki Takeda and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 78, 023804 (2008) ABSTRACT PDF
    11. "Broadband optical coupling between microstructured fibers and photonic band gap circuits: Two-dimensional paradigms", James Bauer and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 77, 013819 (2008) ABSTRACT PDF
    12. "Coherent all-optical switching by resonant quantum-dot distributions in photonic band-gap waveguides", Dragan Vujic and Sajeev John, Physical Rreview A 76, 063814 (2007). ABSTRACT PDF
    13. "Nonlinear Bloch waves in metallic photonic band-gap filaments", Artan Kaso and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 76, 053838 (2007). ABSTRACT PDF
    14. "Molding light flow from photonic band gap circuits to microstructured fibers", James Bauer and Sajeev John, Applied Physics Letters 90, 261111 (2007). ABSTRACT PDF
    15. "Exciton dressing and capture by a photonic band edge", Shengjun Yang and Sajeev John, Physical Review B 75, 235332 (2007). ABSTRACT PDF
    16. "Electromagnetically Induced Exciton Mobility in a Photonic Band Gap", Sajeev John and Shengjun Yang, Physical Review Lett. 99 , 046801 (2007). ABSTRACT PDF
    17. "Diamond photonic band gap synthesis by umbrella holographic lithography", Ovidiu Toader, Timothy Y. M. Chan, and Sajeev John, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 101117 (2006); doi:10.1063/1.2347112 (3 pages) ABSTRACT PDF
    18. "Localized light orbitals: Basis states for three-dimensional photonic crystal microscale circuits", Hiroyuki Takeda, Alongkarn Chutinan and Sajeev John, Physical Review B 74, 195116 (2006). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    19. ''Nonlinear Bloch waves in resonantly doped photonic crystals'', Artan Kaso and Sajeev John, Physical Review E 74, 046611 (2006) ABSTRACT PDF
    20. "Photonic band-gap formation by optical-phase-mask lithography", Timothy Y. M. Chan, Ovidiu Toader, and Sajeev John, Physical Review E 73, 046610 (2006) ABSTRACT PDF
    21. "3D-2D-3D photonic crystal heterostructures by direct laser writing", M. Deubel, M. Wegener, S. Linden, G. Von Freymann, and Sajeev John, Optics Letters 31 (6): 805-807 March 15 ( 2006) ABSTRACT PDF
    22. "3+1 Dimensional Integrated Optics with Localized Light in a Photonic Band Gap", A Chutinan and Sajeev John, Optics Express 14 (3): 1266-1279, Feb 6, (2006). ABSTRACT PDF
    23. "Direct Laser Writing of Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals in High Index of Refraction Chalcogenide Glasses", G. von Freymann, S. Wong, G. A. Ozin, Sajeev John, F. Perez-Willard, M. Deubel, M. Wegener, Advanced Materials Vol. 18, Issue 3, February, 2006, Pages: 265-269. ABSTRACT
    24. "New route towards three-dimensional photonic band gap materials: Silicon double inversion of Polymeric Templates", N. Tetreault, G. von Freymann, M. Deubel, M. Hermatschweiler, F. Perez-Willard, Sajeev John, M. Wegener, G.A. Ozin, Advanced Materials 18 (4): 457, Feb 17 (2006). ABSTRACT
    25. "Elastic Photonic Crystals: From Colour Fingerprinting to Enhancement of Photoluminescence", A. Arsenault, T. J. Clark, G. Von Freymann, E. Vekris, L. Cademartiri, S. Wong, V. Kitaev, I. Manners, Sajeev John, G. A. Ozin, Nature Materials 5 (3): 179-184 March (2006). PDF


    2001 - 2005


    1. "Light Localization for Broadband Integrated Optics in Three Dimensions", A. Chutinan and Sajeev John, Physical Review B 72, 16, 161316 (2005). ABSTRACT PDF
    2. "Slanted Pore Photonic Band Gap Materials", Ovidiu Toader and Sajeev John, Physical Review E 71, 036605 (2005). ABSTRACT PDF
    3. "Pulse re-shaping in photonic crystal waveguides and micro-cavities with Kerr-nonlinearity: Critical Issues for all-optical switching", Dragan Vujic and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 72, 013807 (2005). ABSTRACT PDF
    4. "Diffractionless Flow of Light in 2D-3D Photonic Band Gap Hetero-structures: Theory, Design Rules, and Simulations", Alongkarn Chutinan and Sajeev John, Physical Review E 71, 026605 (2005). ABSTRACT PDF
    5. "Engineering the Electromagnetic Vacuum for Controlling Light with Light in a Photonic Band Gap Micro-chip", R. Z. Wang and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 70, 043805 (2004). ABSTRACT PDF
    6. "Magnetic structure factor in cuprate superconductors: Evidence for charged meron vortices", Mona Berciu and Sajeev John, Physical Review B 69, 224515 (2004). ABSTRACT PDF
    7. "Photon Statistics and Optical Coherence Properties of Light Emission from a Random Laser", Lucia Florescu and Sajeev John, Physical Review Letters 93, 013602 (2004).. ABSTRACT PDF
    8. "Photonic band gap enhancement in frequency-dependent dielectrics", Ovidiu Toader and Sajeev John, Physical Review E 70, 046605 (2004). ABSTRACT PDF
    9. "Theory of a One-Atom Laser in a Photonic Band Gap Micro-chip", Lucia Florescu, Sajeev John, Tran Quang, and R.Z. Wang, Physical Review A 69, 013816 (2004). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    10. "Theory of Photon Statistics and Optical Coherence in a Multiple-Scattering Random Laser Medium", Lucia Florescu and Sajeev John, Physical Review E 69, 046603 (2004). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    11. "Photonic Band Gap Synthesis by Holographic Lithography" Ovidiu Toader, Tim Chan, and Sajeev John, Physical Review Letters 92, 043905 (2004). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    12. "Optical Properties of a Silicon Square Spiral Photonic Crystal" , S. Kennedy, M. Brett, O. Toader, and Sajeev John, Journal of Photonics and Nanostructures, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 37 (2003). PDF
    13. "Photonic Band Gap Materials based on Tetragonal Lattices of Slanted Pores", O. Toader, M. Berciu, and Sajeev John, Physical Review Letters 90, 233901 (2003). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    14. "Diffractionless Flow of Light in All-Optical Micro-chips", A. Chutinan, Sajeev John, and O. Toader, Physical Review Letters 90, 123901 (2003) . ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    15. "Coherent Control of Spontaneous Emission near a Photonic Band Edge", M. Woldeyohannes and Sajeev John, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclass. Opt. 5, R43-R82 (2003). PDF
    16. "Theory of Fluorescence in Photonic Crystals", Nipun Vats, K. Busch, Sajeev John, Physical Review A 65, 043808 (2002). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    17. "Photonic Band Gap Materials: Towards an All-Optical Micro-Transistor", Sajeev John and Marian Florescu, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 3, S103 (2001). ABSTRACT PDF
    18. "Proposed Square Spiral Microfabrication Architecture for Large Three-Dimensional Photonic Band Crystals", Ovidiu Toader and Sajeev John, Science vol. 292, 1133 (2001). ABSTRACT PDF
    19. "Optical Trapping, Field Enhancement, and Laser Cooling in Photonic Crystals", Ovidiu Toader, Sajeev John and K. Busch, Optics Express vol.8, no. 3, pg 271- (2001). ABSTRACT PDF


    1996 - 2000


      1. "Large-scale synthesis of a silicon photonic crystal with a complete three-dimensional bandgap near 1.5 micrometres", Alvaro Blanco, Emmanuel Chomski, Serguei Grabtchak; Marta Ibisate, Sajeev John, Stephen W. Leonard, Cefe Lopez, Francisco Meseguer, Hernan Miguez, Jessica P. Mondia, Geoffrey A. Ozin, Ovidiu Toader and Henry M. van Driel, Nature 405 (6785), 437-440 (2000). ABSTRACT PDF


      1. "A microscopic model for d-wave charge carrier pairing and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in a purely repulsive 2D electron system", Mona Berciu and Sajeev John, Physical Review B 61 (24), 16454-16469 (2000). ABSTRACT PDF


    1. "Quantum dynamics of charged and neutral magnetic solitons: Spin-charge separation in the one-dimensional Hubbard model", Mona Berciu and Sajeev John, Physical Review B 61 (15), 10015-10028 (2000). ABSTRACT PDF
    2. "Coherent control of spontaneous emission near a photonic band edge: A qubit for quantum computation", Mesfin Woldeyohannes and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 60(6), 5046-5068 (1999). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    3. "Liquid Crystal Photonic Band Gap Materials: The Tunable Electromagnetic Vacuum", Kurt Busch and Sajeev John, Physical Review Letters 83 (5), 967-970 (1999). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    4. "Photonic Band Gap Formation in Certain Self-Organizing Systems", Kurt Busch and Sajeev John, Physical Review E 58, 3896 (1998). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    5. "Midgap States of a Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Mott Insulator: Electronic Structure of Meron-Vortices", Sajeev John, Mona Berciu and A. Golubentsev, Europhysics Letters 41 (1), 31 (1998). ABSTRACT PDF
    6. "Charged Bosons in a Doped Mott Insulator: Electronic Properties of Domain Wall Solitons and Meron-Vortices", Mona Berciu and Sajeev John, Physical Review B 57 9521 (1998). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    7. "Frozen Light", Sajeev John, Nature 390, 661 (1997). ABSTRACT
    8. "Coherent Control of Spontaneous Emission Near a Photonic Band Edge: A Single-Atom Optical Memory Device", Tran Quang, M. Woldeyohannes, Sajeev John and G.S. Agarwal, Physical Review Letters 79 5238 (1997). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    9. "Multiphoton Localization and Propagating Quantum Gap Solitons in a Frequency Gap Medium", Sajeev John and Valery Rupasov, Physical Review Letters 79, 821 (1997). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    10. "Collective Switching and Inversion without Fluctuation of Two-Level Atoms in Confined Photonic Systems", Sajeev John and Tran Quang, Physical Review Letters 78, 1888 (1997). ABSTRACT PDF POSTSCRIPT
    11. ''Theory of Lasing in a Multiple Scattering Medium'', S. John and G. Pang, Physical Review A 54, 3642 (1996). ABSTRACT PDF
    12. ''Resonant Nonlinear Dielectric Response in a Photonic Band Gap Material'', S. John and T. Quang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2484 (1996). ABSTRACT PDF
    13. ''Quantum Optical Spin-Glass State of Impurity Two-Level Atoms in a Photonic Bandgap'', S. John and T. Quang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1320 (1996). ABSTRACT PDF
    14. ''Optical Coherence Propagation and Imaging in a Multiple Scattering Medium'', S. John, G. Pang and Y. Yang, Journal of Biomedical Optics 1, number 2, 180 (1996). ABSTRACT


    1984 - 1995


    1. ''Localization of Superradiance near a Photonic Bandgap'', S. John and T. Quang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3419 (1995). ABSTRACT PDF
    2. "Spin-flux and Magnetic Solitons in an Interacting Two-Dimensional Electron Gas: Topology of Two-Valued Wavefunctions", Sajeev John and A. Golubentsev, Physical Review B51, 381 (1995). ABSTRACT. PDF
    3. "Spontaneous Emission near the Edge of a Photonic Bandgap", Sajeev John and Tran Quang, Physical Review A 50 1764 (1994). ABSTRACT PDF
    4. ''Topological Magnetic Solitons in the Two-Dimensional Mott-Hubbard Gap'', S. John and A. Golubentsev, Physical Review Letters 71, 3343 (1993). ABSTRACT PDF
    5. ''Nonlinear Optical Solitary Waves in a Photonic Bandgap'', S. John and N. Akozbek, Physical Review Letters 71, 1168 (1993). ABSTRACT PDF
    6. ''Quantum Electrodynamics Near a Photonic Band Gap: Photons Bound States and Dressed Atoms'', S. John and J. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2418 (1990). ABSTRACT PDF
    7. ''Localization of Light'', S. John, Physics Today, May (1991), Cover Story.
    8. "Temperature Dependence of the Urbach Edge: A Theory of Multiple Phonon Absorption and Emission Sidebands", C. Grein and Sajeev John, Phys. Rev. B 39, 1140 (1989). ABSTRACT PDF
    9. "Density of States for an Electron in a Correlated Gaussian Random Potential: Theory of the Urbach Tail", Sajeev John, M.Y. Chou, M.H. Cohen and C.M. Soukoulis, Phys. Rev. B 37, 6963 (1988). ABSTRACT PDF
    10. "Localization and the Density of States for an Electron in a Quantized Elastic Continuum", Sajeev John, Physical Review B 35, 9291 (1987). ABSTRACT PDF
    11. "Strong Localization of Photons in Certain Disordered Dielectric Superlattices", Sajeev John, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2486 (1987). ABSTRACT PDF
    12. "Theory of the Electron Band Tails and the Urbach Optical Absorption Edge", Sajeev John, C. Soukoulis, Morrel H. Cohen and E.N. Economou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 1777 (1986). ABSTRACT PDF
    13. "Spin Glass State of a Randomly diluted Granular Superconductor", Sajeev John and T.C. Lubensky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1014 (1985). ABSTRACT PDF
    14. "Electromagnetic Absorption in a Disordered Medium near a Photon Mobility Edge", Sajeev John, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 2169 (1984). ABSTRACT PDF