Hirohisa A. Tanaka
- Fall 2015: Physics 489/1489
- Fall 2016: Physics 489/1489
- Fall 2017: Physics 489/1489
T2K is a "long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment" where a neutrino beam produced by an accelerator on the east coast of Japan is sent 295 km across the country to the Super-Kamiokande detector on the opposite coast. The neutrino beam starts primarily as muon neutrino (or antineutrino), but during their transit, they can transform to electron or tau (anti)neutrinos via the "neutrino oscillation" process. T2K established in 2013 that muon neutrinos are transitioning to electron neutrinos, discovery that was recognized by the 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. We are now running in a combination of neutrino and antineutrino |
Recent Talks and Presentations:
- Latest results from T2K at Neutrino 2016
- Lectures at TRISEP (Tri-Institute School for Elementary Particles) 2016 on neutrino oscillations. Lecture 1, Lecture 2
- Colloquium at Queen's University and University of Toronto
Some Publications:
- Review article on neutrinos in Special Issue of Annalen der Physik "Physics after the Higgs" html, pdf
- Review article on neutrino scattering in Physics Reports, html, pdf
In the News: