Local information
A map of the University of Toronto campus and surrounding area can be found here. All sessions will take place in MP103 of the McLennan Physics building. Coffee and snacks will be provided in the foyer at the back of the room during breaks. A side room, MP110, is available nearby for quiet work or side conversations.
Places to eat/drink, and other useful information such as ATM and shop locations, and interesting things to see or do can be found on this map.
Speaker information
We will use one laptop to project the talks and host the remote connection. To ensure a smooth transition between speakers, talks should be uploaded in advance of the session they will be presented in on the indico page. Contact an organizer if you do not already have the correct permissions.
The primary purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for open discussion between experiments. Notes on the discussion will be made in real time here, to which any attendees are welcome to add comments or corrections. During the dedicated discussion periods, the session chairs will refer to a list of "seed" questions here, to which any attendees are encouraged to add questions they feel should be discussed. Note that both are anonymous if you are not logged into a google account.