Workshop overview
23-24 June, 2017 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The workshop immediately precedes NuINT 17 and will be held in the McLennan Physics building (room MP103) on the downtown campus of the University of Toronto. A map of the University of Toronto campus and surrounding area can be found here. Room MP110 is a break room usable for side conversations or a quiet place to work.
Workshop organizers:
- Kendall Mahn (Michigan State University)
- Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester)
- Hiro Tanaka (University of Toronto)
- Callum Wilkinson (University of Bern)
This discussion led workshop aims to bring experimentalists engaged in measuring neutrino cross sections together, to try and tackle some of the major issues which have arisen over a number of workshops over the last few years. We hope to reach some consensus between experiments on how best to produce cross section data with minimal biases due to interaction modeling or techniques for extracting measurements (efficiency corrections, unfolding methods).
Registration is not necessary, but to get an idea of the number of attendees, we would appreciate it if you would fill out this doodle poll. For information about accommodation, travel, visas etc, please refer to the information provided by the NuINT organizers elsewhere on this website.
There will be a small registration fee of $30 (cash only) to cover the cost of refreshments etc. Breaks will be held in the foyer of the lecture hall (MP103).