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Chapters in Books (titles only)
- A.M. Forte and W.R. Peltier, Surface Plate Kinematics and Mantle Convection, in Dynamics of the Continental Lithosphere and Asthenosphere, C. Froidevaux ed., A.G.U. press, Washington, DC, pp. 125-136, 1987.pdf
- C.P. Caulfield and W.R. Peltier, Richardson Number Dependence of Three-Dimensional Motions in Shear Flows, in Mixing and Dispersion in Stably Stratified Flows, Peter A. Davies ed., Oxford University Press, pp. 73-88, 1999.pdf
- D.A. Yuen, and W.R. Peltier, Temperature Dependent Viscosity and Local Instabilities in Mantle Convection, in A.Dziewonski et al. eds., Phys. of the Earths Interior, Procs. of the E.Fermi Summer School in Phys., N. Holland Pubs. Co.,432-463,1980.pdf
- Forte, A.M. and W.R. Peltier, Gross Earth Data and Mantle Convection: New Inferences of Mantle Viscosity, in Glacial Isostasy and Mantle Rheology, R. Sabadini and K. Lambeck eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers Inc., Dordrecht, pp. 120-157, 1991.pdf
- J.T. Andrews and W.R. Peltier, Quaternary geodynamics, in J.A. Heginbottom ed., Decade of North American Geology (DNAG) Quaternary of Canada volume, pp. 584-616, 1989.pdf
- Jarvis, G.T. and W.R. Peltier, Convection Models and Geophysical Observations, in W.R. Peltier ed., Mantle Convection, 479-593, Gordon and Breach, New York, pp. 857, 1989.pdf
- Jarvis, G.T. and W.R. Peltier, Long Wavelength Features of Mantle Convection, in Mathematical Geophysics, S. Cloetinghe, N. Vlaar, and R. Wurtele editors, D. Reidel Publ. Co., pp. 209-226, 1988.
- Mitrovica, J.X. and W.R. Peltier, Radial Resolution in the Inference of Mantle Viscosity from Observations of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, in Glacial Isostasy and Mantle Rheology, R.Sabadini et al. eds., Kluwer Acad. Pubs., Dordrecht, pp. 63-78, 1991.pdf
- Peltier, W.R. and J.F. Scinocca, Breaking Internal Waves Over Isolated Topography, in Nonlinear Phenomena in Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences, G. Carnevale and R. Pierrehumbert eds., Springer-Verlag Inc., pp. 239-259, 1992.pdf
- Peltier, W.R. and L.P. Solheim, Mantle Phase Transitions, Layered Chaotic Convection, and the Viscosity of the Deep Mantle, in Nonlinear Processes in the Geological Sciences, D. Yuen ed., Springer-Verlag Inc., pp. 111-139, 1992.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., A Relaxation Oscillator Model of the Ice Age Cycle, in Irreversible Phenomena and Dynamical Systems Analysis in the Geosciences G. Nicolis and G. Nicolis ed., Academic Press, pp. 399-416, 1986.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., G.T. Jarvis, A.M. Forte, and L.P. Solheim, Radial Structure of the Mantle General Circulation, in W.R. Peltier ed., Mantle Convection, 479-593, Gordon and Breach, New York, 765-815, 1989.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., Glacial Isostasy, Mantle Viscosity, and Pleistocene Climatic Change, in The Geology of North America Vol. K-3, North America and Adjacent Oceans..., W.F. Ruddiman and H.E. Wright eds., GSA, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 155-181, 1987.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., Glacial isostasy in Laurentia and Fennoscandia: New Results for the Anomalous Gravitational Field, in Earthquakes at North-Atlantic Passive Margins..., S. Gregersen and P.W. Basham eds., pp. 93-107, D. Reidel Publ. Co., 693pp.,1989.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., Lithospheric Thickness, Antarctic Deglaciation History, and Ocean Basin Discretization Effects in a Global Model..., in Mathematical Geophysics, S. Cloetinghe et al. eds., D. Reidel Publ. Co., pp. 325-346, 1988.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics: the Emergence of Paradigm in Global Geodynamics, in W.R. Peltier ed., Mantle Convection, 479-593, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1-22, 1989.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., Mantle Viscosity, in W.R. Peltier ed., Mantle Convection, 479-593, Gordon and Breach, New York, 389-478, 1989.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., The Ice-3G Model of Late Pleistocene Deglaciation: Construction, Verification, and Applications, in Glacial Isostasy and Mantle Rheology, R. Sabadini and K. Lambeck eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers Inc., Dordrecht, pp. 95-119, 1991.pdf
- Peltier, W.R., and W.T. Hyde, Glacial Isostasy and the Ice Age Cycle, in The Physical Basis of Ice Sheet Modelling, E. Waddington ed., Elsevier, pp. 247-260, 1987.pdf
- S.Butler and W.R.Peltier, Scale Invariance of the Avalanche Effect in Phase Transition Modulated Mantle Mixing, in Scale Invariance and Beyond, Procs. Europhys. Conf., Les Houches, France, (ed. B.Dubrulle et al.) pp. 147-157, S.-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.pdf
- W.R. Peltier and John T. Andrews, Glacial Geology and Glacial Isostasy of the Hudson Bay Region, in D.E. Smith and A. Dawson editors, Shorelines and Isostasy, Academic Press, pp. 285-319, 1983.pdf
- W.R. Peltier and L.P. Solheim, Ice in the Climate System: Paleoclimatological Perspectives, in Present and Future of Modeling Global Environmental Change: Toward Integrated Modeling, T. Matsuno ed., pp. 221-241, Terrapub Inc., 2001.pdf
- W.R. Peltier and W. Hyde, A Model of the Ice Age Cycle. In Milankovitch and Climate Part 2, A. Berger. et al. D. Reidel. Dordrecht. pp. 565-580, 1984.pdf
- W.R. Peltier, Models of Glacial Isostasy and Relative Sea Level, in R.I. Walcott, ed., Dynamics of Plate Interiors, AGU Publications Ltd., 111-128, 1980.pdf
- W.R. Peltier, P. Wu and D.A. Yuen, The Viscosities of the Planetary Mantle, in F. Stacey, M.S. Paterson, and A. Nicholas editors, Anelasticity in the Earth, Geodynamics Series volume 4, AGU, Washington, D.C., pp. 59-77, 1981.pdf
- W.R. Peltier, Postglacial Sea Level Variations in the Farfield of Ice Sheets: Glacial Cycle Effects on Present Day Secular Sea Level Change, in Dynamics of the Ice-Age Earth: a Modern Persp., P. Wu ed., Trans. Tech. Pubs, Switz., pp. 421-442, 1998.pdf
- W.R. Peltier, Slow Changes in the Earths Shape and Gravitational Field: Constraints on the Deglaciation History and Internal Viscoelastic Stratification, in J. Anderson and A. Cazanave eds., Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, A.P., pp. 75-109,1986.pdf
- W.R. Peltier, Surface Plates and Thermal Plumes: Separate Scales of the Mantle Convective Circulation, in R.J. OConnell and W.S. Fyfe editors, Evolution of the Earth, Geodynamics Series volume 5, AGU, Washington, D.C., pp. 229-248, 1981.pdf
- W.R. Peltier, W.E. Farrell and J.A. Clark, Glacial Isostasy and Relative Sea Level: a Global Finite Element Model, in N.A. Toksoz ed., Ocean Ridges and Arcs, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., 1-30, 1979.pdf