
Feel free to contact me, I have opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, but my funding for post-docs is unfortunately very limited right now. I encourage you to contact current or past members of my group in order to figure out if we could be good matches.

Interested in joining?

Although I have funds to pay for students, bringing your own funding always looks good on a CV! Some of these links explain a few possibilities. The deadlines are only indicative, and prospective members should contact me well in advance.

Undergraduate students: I do not accept applications to volunteer! This practice is illegal in Ontario, and deeply unfair to students of merit who cannot afford to work for free. To do undergraduate research in my group, you need to either earn credits (via e.g., PHY478/9 or ESC499 at UofT) or financial support via competitive awards. See here for a comprehensive list of opportunities and up-to-date detail on procedures, deadlines, etc. In particular,

Graduate students: prospective graduate students have to go through the regular application and admissions process of the Department of Physics. Check out the website to figure out how.


  • You can also explore the various avenues offered by NSERC: English/français. Once again, it is easier to be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, but international applicants might want to look at the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. The latter is extremely competitive, to the point that it is mostly a waste of time and energy. The process for applying starts sometime in July.
  • The Faculty of Arts & Science at UofT offers (very competitive) post-doctoral fellowships. Deadline: Winter, changes often.


Current members

Graduate students


Undergraduate students


Nicolas Grisouard (he/him/his)




Graduate students


Undergraduate students