
Site News

Development of a modern web presence for individuals and groups in the department

The modern web is here!

I have been involved in a new project which will add a new tool to the online arsenal of the physics department members. The project is available at and it will host the sites of all the members or groups in the department who need an online presence.

We hope that the old ~ accounts will be retired soon and the new web space is adopted quickly by the physics members.

The final implementation date has not been set yet, but interest is growing.

Plone metrics

"Count what is countable. Measure what is measureable. What is not measureable, make measureable." -- Galileo
Plone metrics

The logo of plone

This is a very interesting article which will shed some more light on the power of plone and the reasons why we (PCS) decided to go with plone as a CMS platform:

New ugdemos site available

A new undergraduate lab and demo site has been created by PCS

The new site is available at: and it was developed by PCS for the Physics Learning Services

Lilian will start migrating the content from the old ugdemos site.

The new site also contains an issue tracking module where among other things you can also request a reservation for demos/labs.
Every activity type has a comment section at the bottom or the page where logged in users can submit relevant information.

Contact Lilian and request your user account today.