Graduate positions
Thank you for your interest!
I have positions available in my group for Master's and PhD students. I advise students who are enrolled in the graduate program in the Department of Physics on the St. George Campus, in the Master of Environment & Sustainability program through the School of the Environment on the St. George Campus, and in the Environmental Science graduate program at the University of Toronto's Scarborough campus.
I welcome curious students with quantitative skills possessing a B.Sc. in Physics or a cognate discipline, including Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering Science, Environmental Physics or Engineering, and of course Atmospheric science.
If you are interested in joining the group through the Department of Physics, you should apply directly to the Department of Physics via its website, and you should clearly indicate your interest in studying Atmospheric Physics in your application. The deadline for applications is in early December for the subsequent school year. Successful applicants are chosen by an Admissions Committee, and not by individual PhD advisors, but it is good practice to reach out to prospective advisors before applying.
If you are interested in joining the group through the Master of Environment & Sustainability program, please contact me before submitting your application. You can find all the relevant deadlines and requirements on the School's webpage.
If you are interested in joining the group as a PhD candidate through the Environmental Science program, please visit the UTSc Physical and Environmental Sciences webpage for information on the application process. If you would like to work with me, please contact me before submitting your application. You can find all the important deadlines and application information on their website.
If you have further questions please contact me (dwunch at